Mustard Seed and Yeast

My Dear Brethren, 

The Lord gives us a humble perspective about the kingdom of God.  Mustard Seed and Yeast may seem insignificant, but how often small sacrifices and small acts of kindness bear fruit but 5 or 10 years down the road.  Especially when someone returns later and says to you: thank you for being my teacher, thank you for feeding me that one time a long ago, thank you for your time when I was in need.  These mustard seeds and yeast bear fruit but only on God's time.  

The danger for the soul is to be overwhelmed and anxious of larger accomplishments in life and forget the little things we can do for God and for one another .  

Another danger to the soul is to have the impression that our own sacrifices are large.  But in reality, they are small compared to the blood that is poured out from the holy and sacred cross.  It's good to make many sacrifices but to keep our humble perspective that they are small; they are mustard seeds and yeast.  

We can learn something from the birds of the sky that find shelter and refuge in the tree.  Birds will find temporary shelter but will soon fly away any moment.  Because they find another place warmer, another place that has food, or another place that will shelter them from danger.  But birds can show a lack of gratitude.  This is quite common.  They will not send you a Thank You letter or thank you by text message or email.  They will just fly away.  It's quite common when we perform an act of kindness that we don't expect any thanksgiving in return.  If we treat birds that way, why do we treat people differently.  The soul that expects too much thanksgiving will be disappointed easily.  They will forget that small acts of kindness is for the glory of God and the building of God's kingdom.  

Birds may forget and show ingratitude.  But God doesn't forget.  God knows all things and God remembers all things.

God loves you!  

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