Contraceptive Mentality

Some people have asked me: “are you going to say anything about the HHS mandate?”  If this passes, our religious freedom is violated, and we will be forced against our freedom of conscience.  We will be going against the Church’s teachings on natural moral law, and the Pope’s encyclical Humane Vitae. 
This is a controversial issue, and I’m happy that the US Bishops are concerned enough about this matter, to be a prophetic voice for the faithful in the public arena.  In addition, many of the faithful are being a prophetic voice in their network of friendships, encouraging people to see how this mandate will negatively affect their lives.
Now, I don’t want to make this a political issue, but a moral issue.  The Church has the authority in regards to matters of faith and morals.    
If you haven’t read the Encyclical Humane Vitae, please do.  I think that the spirit of the Encyclical is to warn us of the dangers of having a contraceptive mentality.  Many of us may not be aware of it, but it can easily enter into the psyche.  The “secular humanism” culture can breed a way of thinking in which people can easily become disposable. 
We can dispose someone because they are an inconvenience to us.  For example, a married couple who may want to have the freedom secure, will do everything they can to not have children.  Or similarly, an elderly person who is becoming expensive or a burden to the family may have their life end quickly.
When we view people as disposable, we are no better than the Nazis during WWII; we are no better than any dictator or a type of government who discards people just because they do not fit into a certain category.
Just recently, after Kathleen Tully’s talk about Artificial Birth Control, one person in particular sent an e-mail blast to a group of parishioners saying that she is no longer becoming Catholic.  She has been a life-long Catholic.  And now, being offended by Mrs. Tully’s talk, she will practice the faith elsewhere.  Without even realizing it, she is a product of a contraceptive mentality.  As soon the Church’s teachings are in disagreement with her, she quickly aborted the Church if you will.  Or you could say that she even Euthanized the Church.  But that means we can identify with those who have been aborted; those who have been Euthanized, and we can speak out on their behalf. 
What can you do.  You can speak to your representatives; participate in the public arena about the Church’s teaching on Natural Moral Law.  Continue to be a prophetic voice within your network of friendships.  But actions speak louder than words.  Beware that you also may be have a “contraceptive mentality” especially if you write people off or discard people, just because they are different, or disagree with you, or even become a burden or an inconvenience to you. 
I know that many of you do not have this kind of thinking.  I’m speaking of those who have children that have medical conditions or in special needs.  I’m also speaking of those who care for elderly parents, a spouse or a family member who is ill.  When you take care of them, you are setting a great example for the rest of us.  You remind us of the value and dignity of each persons.  Jesus says: “Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me.”  The way we treat people is rooted in the way that we treat Christ.  Also, Jesus sets an example for all when he reached out to the marginalized; Jesus reached out to those who were discarded by society.  Like Christ, may we also treat one another with respect and dignity.  May the Lord bless you this Lenten Season with a deeper faith, strengthen your hope, and help you grow in your freedom to love.  God Bless.    
Covenant Gives Hope
I’m sure that some of you may have watched the movie Evan Almighty.  This movie is a sequel to the movie Bruce Almighty.  The movie is based on the memorable story of Noah and the Flood found in the Book of Genesis.  In the movie, Evan prays to God.  He wants to make a difference in society.  God answers his prayers; God chooses him; God wants him to do something nearly impossible which is to build an ark.  As Evan begins to build an ark, everyone thinks he has lost his mind.  Furthermore, he inevitably tells the people of an upcoming flood.  This flood will wipe out all of humanity. 
Of course, the people who lack faith don’t listen.  When the people ask him who has told him to build the ark because of a future flood, Evan responds that it is God that said this.  Everyone laughs.  Furthermore, they ridicule him, they poke fun of him, they judge him as going insane.  This story is a modern retelling of the Noah and the flood.  It’s a feel good movie.  But the intention of the movie is to help people grow in faith. 
But for God’s chosen people, the Noah story is much more than a feel good story about faith.  The story of Noah is a reminder to them of the covenant.  God establish this covenant with their ancestor Noah and his descendants.  The rainbow becomes a sign of the covenant with God.  God will no longer wipe out the face of the earth with a flood.  They will always be under God’s protection and care.  They have become God’s children through their relationship with God.  When they obey God, they are blessed.  When they disobey God, they will bring harm to themselves.  The rainbow was a sign that Noah and his descendants were members of God’s family; they are under God’s care and protection. 
St. Peter, around 64AD wrote this letter which we have heard in our second reading.  St. Peter urged the people to remain strong in their faith.  He reminds them of the sign of the Covenant that God made to Noah, and he relates that to the Sacrament of Baptism.  When the people have been baptized and made converts, they bear in their soul the sign of the new covenant established through Jesus.  Through the Sacrament of Baptism, God has made you a member of His family.  You are now under God’s care and protection; just like Noah and his family in the Old Testament.
How is this possible?  Because of Jesus.  Through his death and resurrection, Jesus is the one that paid the price for our salvation. 
Last Friday, the Archbishop Peter Sartain gathered with a group of people for the rite of Election.  It was at the service that catechumens and candidates, with their sponsors, meet the Archbishop, so that they could convey their desire to move forward to full communion with Christ and the Catholic Church.  The Archbishop said the new elects are a reminder to all the spiritual gifts that we have received which are the Sacraments.  Most especially is the Sacrament of the Eucharist which Christ has established a new covenant. 
What I need from you?  St. Peter encourages the early converts to be prepared and always be ready to give a reason for your hope.  Recently a Parishioner shared with me that after Ash Wednesday Mass, he went to grab a quick cup of coffee at Starbucks.  Still having Ashes on his forehead, he was questioned by a lady at the Cash Register.  She looked at him funny.  He said that it was an outward sign of his faith. He was ready to give a reason for his hope.  Rooted in the sign of new covenant that Jesus established, he willingly gave witness to his faith in Christ.  Sometimes we have to take those risks in the public arena so that we can give a reason for our hope.
In the recent encyclical, Spe Salvi, by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, he spoke about the relationship between hope and salvation.  He united the two concepts into one and said that we are saved by hope.  One of the stories he shared has to do with a Saint from Sudan named Josephine Bakhita.  If anyone was to be without hope, it would be her.  Since at a very young age, she was sold into slavery.  She was often beaten, and treated poorly by her Masters.  As a result, she had 144 scars on her back.  She was sold into slavery again, and this time to an Italian merchant. 
It was during this period that she began to know about another kind of master that is different from all her other masters.  She called him “Paron” which in the Venitian language means “master”.  She discovered that this new master can relate to her, because he too had scars on his back.  This new Master, humbly laid down his life for the people, and he also endured violence done to him.  Josephine Bakitha also discovered that this new master loved her so much and is waiting for her on the other side.  From then on, Josephine did not want to return to Sudan, but she wanted to stay in Italy.  It was there that she was Baptized, received Holy Communion, and Confirmation.  She entered a convent shortly after, and devoted the rest of her life serving this new “Paron” or Master.
Josephine always hoped for a lesser cruel master.  What she received was a New Master who could identify with her sufferings, but also a Master who truly loved her.  He was waiting for her on the other side.  After her conversion, she traveled and shared with others about her conversion experience.  She told people about the New Master that she has discovered.  Certainly, Josephine Bakhita bore within her, the sign of the New Covenant.  She readily gave a reason for her hope.
The Holy Father mentioned that our faith cannot be a private matter.  I know that many of you are holy people, and you have a strong faith.  Be sure to be ready to give witness and testimony of your hope. 
May your Lenten journey be filled with hope.    

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